Tisha Hammond
3 min readJan 7, 2021

We all get the same 24 hours in a day. Prove me wrong…or let’s improve your relationship with time and then watch yourself work wonders for your well-being.

a man and woman walking on a path toward a waterway filled with boulders

The new year is well underway and can we finally face reality about resolutions? I mean, really, who is ready to shoot some straight talk about living up to what we “say” we’ll do new or do better in 2021? Raise a hand. See! That’s what I mean. Some “say” and some “do.” Someone actually raised a hand, figuratively and literally. Who are you and when can we chat up our 2021 To-Do List over chai tea latte? I’ll pump my own brakes a sec…this will have to be a virtual latte for the time being. Plus, you’re probably already in a serious relationship. In fact, I know that you are…and so am I. None of us are simply flirting with “time.” We’re actually in a long-term, committed relationship with “time,” and at this point, who’s really happy? Hold, up…wait, I got to pee. Darn…predictive text strikes again. Forgive me. I’ve got a “P.” Actually two.

“Preferences” and “Priorities.”

When shifting around and sorting through the various stones that life throws at you, that rob you of your precious time, look at your piles in terms of

Preferences — a greater liking of one thing over another


Priorities — someone or something who/that is most important to you.

Now, to shift from time wasted to time well spent, divvy your piles of stones in the following ways.

If time were currency, wealthy people would seem well-endowed with it. So, to gain a wealth of time, invest energy and effort attending to those biggest stones in your pile. We’ll call those “Boulders.”

“Not everything deserves your massive, focused attention. Boulders do!” ~Tisha Hammond

Tip: Increase your productivity by doing less and completing the right things well the first time you attend to them.

Next, pile.

Rocks matter, but… work, associations, school, your home address, hobbies and, dare I say, friendships, are not critical to experience a meaningful life. (It’s typically here that I get one or two stinky eyes and a figurative stone thrown at me for speaking so bluntly. Sorry not sorry.)

Next, pile.

Pebbles, also known as “the small stuff,” aka time wasters, wastes of time, moments of lost opportunities and distractions. These are material possessions, acts of mind-numbing (not smart) scrolling on smart devices (Artificial Intelligence — AI will have your mind up all night, unnecessarily), toxic conversations, and being locked in email jail. Really though, it’s these areas that consume our relationship with time.

Hey now, you have some say in this relationship here. You really have more control over your calendar than you give yourself ownership of. Starting now, let’s create time in your calendar. Consider this technique a “F.A.D.”

F — Filter

A — Automate

D — Decide

“Attention” is second-nature. Focus is a skill. To strengthen your focus, you must exercise it by behaving like a CEO. That means execute what is important. ~Tisha Hammond

Become the CEO of your calendar by taking these five (5) steps:

  1. Begin with the end in mind.
  2. Identify your Top 3 To-Do’s every day.
  3. Do one completely.
  4. Delegate/Delete.
  5. Repeat.

Voila! You’ve turned your To-Do list into “To-Done”!

It’s a great time for a great day.

Cheering for you,

Tisha Hammond

Bestselling Author: Daily Devotional for Entrepreneurs: Your Season to Grow

Host: Pep Talk with Tisha Hammond…Powered by Dell Technologies (YouTube)

The Small Business Cheerleader, Ascent Small Business Promotion, LLC

Based in Farmington Hills, Michigan, but I’m virtually everywhere at



Tisha Hammond

Storytelling with a pen and keyboard since 2015. Getting the media to mention you at